Studio Sol Union is a collective of artists working to bring the future of cyberpunk games, music, miniatures, books, comics, and more to the world of the now.
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Hieronymus R. Percival @TheSolUnion



AON War Academy


Joined on 5/12/21

Exp Points:
6,224 / 6,400
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.59 votes
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 30d

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Latest News


What is Project Quasar? It is a vast and overarching setting that covers the extents of human history and the logical foretelling of future events given thus and the trends in technological evolution. At it's core, it is a cyberpunk universe, secondly it is cosmic-horror, and with any sufficiently advanced technology being indistinguishable from magic, there are even elements that would be considered fantasy to be involved.

The main story thus far covers the span of time between 2010 to the 2040's, following the various events of the collapse of human society during the global corporate wars, a fallout of the technological singularity invalidating much of the old world. During this time, humanity begins a rapid evolution with it's technology, and swaths of civilization are uplifted by the existing non-human empires to be integrated into the galactic community.

Considered to be old lore now, much of the galactic situation has been detailed on our wiki


As development studies and projections continued, the next era of story telling is focused around 2,000 years into the future, after humanity that remained on Earth was able to claw its way to the stars and establish a foothold as a galactic civilization. Several wars had been waged between the non-human empires as humanity grew, leading to the near total extermination of those that had been uplifted previously and scattered amongst the stars. Now, unstoppable in their growth, humanity has been secretly been prepared to take on the largest existential threat to all life in the galaxy; the infamous machines of the Centauri Federation, rogue AI with dreadful reality warping powers.

This new story is that of Mercy's Reach, a battlecarrier equipped with experimental and banned technology from ancient alien civilizations that will hopefully give the transhuman heroes an edge in the coming war for the galaxy.


Available for Work

Open for 2D Art Commissions

Hello, hello! This is the Studio Sol Union manager, BT, speaking!

Commissions are open! I never noticed this function on the site before, but I am honored to be representing for not only myself, but also for another of our 2D artists! We would normally be open for 3D commissions also, but we're working through a backlog from our recent kickstarter campaign, and have big plans coming later this year, hopefully only a couple months away, but that will be a new block of work to last us several more months...

So without further ado, I'd like to offer my skills and services as a 2D artist, and those of the studio's senior art director.

My skills are mostly technical from my aerospace engineering background, I like machines, mechanics, motors, and lots of stuff really, but having focused in CAD and GD&T software, my more artistic skills had to take a back seat for the last decade. Since the pandemic killed my career industry, I've had A LOT of free time to focus on improving said skills though.

Please check out my (unfortunately located) primary gallery/portfolio on dA:


Due to my skill level and dire need for money to survive, my work rate is about $4/h, so you can expect to get a full body character sketch for about $40, this includes quick rendered color and a simple background, of course prices vary depending on complexity and what kind of rendering I do! I can also 3D print and/or paint minis, my style is rather grimdark and I don't have an airbrush, but it's also an option for those that might be interested!

Next up is Ink-Blade/Rapture-Serene, having done myriad works for games, cartoons, comics, and more, they're looking for even more work, either the next big thing, or quick work to put food on the table. As a more veteran artist, one should expect to pay more, but they hold to having rates that are a bit more flexible, so you'll have to negotiate what's best.

You can find their most comprehensive gallery (similarly unfortunately located) on dA:


Their work really speaks for itself, the detail and character worked into new concepts is fantastic, and working from existing designs leads to some wonderful new ideas from the envelope being pushed by elite skills!

Paypal is the preferred method of funding for both of us, and email is also the most methodical line of communication, just send a message with who you're interested in working with and you'll get the respective address!

Once the 3D work settles down, we'll either update this listing, or make a new one to include our go-to modeling artist!


Recent Game Medals

510 Points

Tiger Nipples 25 Points

Give 'em a pinch!

Bloodshot 100 Points

Watch the whole thing without skipping.

Yodelay-hee-hoo! 25 Points

Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick! Clickadick!

Turtles 25 Points

Nobody likes a turtle!

Tiger Uppercut 25 Points

Knock that smug grin off Ryu's stupid face!

Ono Boners 50 Points

Oh Ono!

Domestic Violence 25 Points

X marks the spot!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!